Resumental Blog

  • Not Throwing Away Your Shot

    Beginning a job search before you're dying to quit your job sets you up for success because you're dealing from a position of strength; you're not desperate to quit a bad situation, which means you won't accept a new role in haste just to land something new. Instead, you'll carefully assess the opportunities presented to you and make a decision from a place of abundance rather than scarcity. Read more...
  • I Couldn't Help But Wonder...Do I Really Need to Get Microsoft Word?

    The answer is YES, YES YOU DO. Sorry but it's true. I know it's not what you want to hear. But the fact is that if you're actively seeking employment, you to need to get Microsoft Word. You cannot get by on Google Docs or Apple Pages. Read more...
  • What Are Your Goals for 2023?

    I'm a fan of resolutions, New Year's or otherwise. I love a goal. But I'm not going to pretend that it's easy to begin the pursuit of new goals. This post is the perfect example of that. I decided to start a blog for Resumental in the new year, but here I am, writing the first post on the 5th of the month! Which, I know isn't that late but at the same time, I've been hemming and hawing about it for five full days when I could have just written it. But that's part of being human--procrastinating all while having our dreams loom above us like that Charlie Brown rain cloud, drenching us in the guilt of our own paralysis. Read more...